Dropless and Less Drops Cataract Surgery
Choose safer surgery and save $100 to $300 per eye.
Postoperative eye drops can cost between $100 and $300 per eye. Dr. Lewis was the first surgeon in the region to provide both intraoperative instillation of antibiotics and steroids (Dropless) and an affordable postoperative compounded alternative (Less Drops). The world ophthalmic literature, including the European Endophthalmitis Study, the Kaiser Permanente Foundation Data, and both the Japanese and Australian Survey Reports suggest Dropless™ Cataract Surgery is significantly safer than conventional surgery.
Conventional cataract surgery requires two different eye drops four days prior to surgery. A third medication is added and all three are instilled for one week. Next, two drops are continued several times a day for as long as two months. In contrast, Dr. Lewis’s patients use a single affordable compounded drop twice a day for six weeks after surgery. This eliminates costly co-pays and obviates a visit to the pharmacy. In addition to cost savings, patients enjoy enhanced safety, convenience, and simplicity.
For more information, call 215 886-9090 and ask about Dropless™ Cataract Surgery and the Less Drops™ formulation or chat with us online.

Absolutely a wonderful breakthrough
Ruth chats with Dr. Fab about the intraoperative dropless procedure versus standard drops for her cataract surgery.