Nidek Topography-Guided Excimer Laser Custom LASIK
Nearly 50% of Custom Patients read the line beyond 20/20! Visual performance surpassed the acuity results of all other LASIK platforms.
The FDA has approved NIDEK’s breakthrough technology for enhancing acuity during LASIK. Instead of relying on obscure and archaic telescope mathematics to guide the laser Nidek uses corneal topography to enhance vision. CATz creates a more physiologic shape and consequently improved function.
The video show the irregularities of an actual patient’s topographic map represented using both a standard color map and a 3D mesh. The actual laser treatment has been superimposed to demonstrate Nidek’s method of resolving these irregularities.
The NIDEK system combines a 5th generation excimer laser (Quest EC-5000CXIII), the leading Topography/Wavefront Aberrometer/Auto Refractor (OPD II*) and NIDEK’s Final Fit™ software.
Final Fit™, in development for over a decade, allows the surgeon to carefully plan Custom LASIK treatment. Unlike systems in which devices have a “one size fits all” approach, NIDEK surgeons can design the optimal visual solution for each patient. The extra time spent individualizing refractive strategy yields a lifetime of enhanced visual function. Final Fit™ allows surgeons to manipulate and extrapolate from 11,880 data points measured and verified by the OPD II*. Combining corneal topography and wavefront aberrometry with surgeon driven algorithms produces the instructions for the Excimer Laser. Thanks to a 200 mHz** eye tracker and Torsion Error Control, the intended corneal sculpting is created exactly. LASIK surgery has become more precise without losing the importance of surgeon control and guidance.